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Email marketing one of the smartest ways to sell


Email marketing is a form of marketing that can make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to educate your audience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged between purchases. In other words, it is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people using email. In the broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. Email marketing can allow you to create targeted and personalized messages. This can help you to build meaningful relationships with your customers. It can also improve response rates to your direct marketing campaign. It entails the usage of email to send advertisements, requests business, or solicits sales or donations. Email marketing strategies commonly seek to achieve one or more of three primary objectives – to build loyalty, trust, and brand awareness. Some important types of email marketing include Email newsletters, Transactional emails, Dedicated emails, Welcome emails, Sponsorship emails, etc.


• Welcome emails – Welcome emails show better open and click-through rates when they offer a personal touch and introduce your organization without any sales intention. It is not advisable to introduce a new product or service, before building up a personal relationship with the customer.

• Email Newsletters – Most industrial businesses actually use email newsletters as the foundation of their email marketing program because they are great tools for educating customers and prospective clients about your business and showcasing employee profiles, company passion projects, and relevant graphics.

• Transactional Email – Transactional emails are the messages triggered by a specific action your contacts have taken and enable them to complete that action. Transactional emails are also the messages which you receive from e-commerce sites that confirm your order and give you shipment information and other details about your recent purchase.

• Sponsorship emails – Most types of marketing emails are sent to those people who are in your own email database. If you want to reach a different audience and gain new leads, you might try out sponsorship emails with display ads. A sponsorship email usually entails your making payment to include your copy in another vendor’s newsletter.

• Dedicated emails – Dedicated emails, which are also known as Stand-alone emails, contain information about only one offer. For instance, you can notify your target audience about a new book you are launching. Dedicated emails help you to set up the context to introduce the main call-to-action.


• Low costs – One of the most obvious advantages of email marketing is its lower cost compared to mainstream marketing methods.

• Reach an already engaged audience – The majority of businesses use this platform to send messages to those who have signed up to receive them. Thus this can allow for much higher conversion rates as a business is only targeting those who already have an interest in their brand.

• Drive revenue – Email marketing thrives on impulse buying. Not many other platforms allow the customers to go from witnessing an offer to purchasing an item within two clicks of a button. Thus it generates revenue.

• Reach a global audience – This platform lets you instantly send a message to thousands of people across the world, at the same time. Thus it helps you to reach the global audience easily.

• Easy to share – Subscribers can forward lucrative deals and offers to their friends at the click of a button. There aren’t many other types of marketing that can be shared as easily as this.  

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