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the panic created by novel coronavirus be concerned but do not panic

Presently, the entire world is under the threat of a deadly respiratory illness, caused by a new virus named Novel Coronavirus, that originated in the Wuhan Province in China. Today Coronavirus is a substitute for panic in people’s mind, globally. The World Health Organisation ( WHO) has declared Covid-19, the disease caused by Novel Coronavirus, a pandemic. With more than 1.98 lakh Coronavirus patients all over the world and more than 7,989 cases of deaths, there are definitely reasons for serious concern. However, concern is good but panic is not. Amid rising cases of Novel Coronavirus in our country, the Indian Medical Association (IMA), has said sharing data of infected people on a dailly basis with the public, has  created panic accross the nation. Actually, this panic is witnessed worldwide. Several governments have imposed unprecedented lock down of cities and countries to prevent further spread of Coronavirus. As a result, markets have crashed. There’s perplexity, confusion, distortion of facts and utter pandemonium owing to this extreme panic.  It is advisable to be properly informed and concerned about the situation but it is no use, getting panicky.


Covid-19 has turned more than1.98 lakh healthy people into its patients worldwide. It has spread like wildfire to 114 countries. But there are silver lines in the dark clouds.
     First positive aspect is that the Pandemic has been centered in a handful of countries. More than 90% of the Coronavirus cases are clustered in four countries – China, Italy, South Korea and Iran. Moreover, there are 81 countries which have no reported case of Covid-19. This apart, of the total 1,98,742 (as of now) Coronavirus cases that are reported worldwide, 7989 have resulted in death while 82, 779 people have fully recovered. Closer home, 148 cases have been reported in India of which 3 have resulted in death and 14 have recovered fully. Moreover, with trends of decline setting in, in the source region, evidence is already there that Coronavirus is beatable and possibly in a shorter period compared to previous pandemics.


India has invoked section 2 of Epidemic Diseases Act to deal with the Coronavirus crisis. Government has decided that all public and private educational institutions will suspend their classes till March 31st. Not only educational institutions, but gyms, museums, cultural and social centres, swimming pools, theatres, all ASI protected monuments and central museums accross the country will also remain shut till 31st March. Travel of passengers from member countries of the European Union, the European free trade association, Turkey and UK to India is also prohibited with effect from 18th March, 2020.


With the disease spreading with so much rapidity, it is advisable to adopt a few preventive measures. By now, we all know them by heart, owing to the awareness messages. But you can’t be too careful as far as Coronavirus crisis is concerned.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub, if your hands are not visibly dirty.

   • When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue. Discard the tissue immediately into a closed bin.

   • You need to maintain at least one meter  ( 3 feet) distance between yourself and other people, particularly those who are coughing, sneezing or having a fever.

  • As a preventive measure, avoid all sorts of gathering. Do not go out, unless necessary. This social distancing is vital to everyone.

   • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth frequently.

    • If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical help immediately.

   • Follow the official health guidelines. Do not listen to random people.


  1. Kevin Martin

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  2. Sarah Albert

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