Security Guard training | KFM

If you need Security Guard training certificate you will need to attend and take three training modules and pass three exams. The duration of the training should be 28 hours. The course may be delivered over four days or during weekends and/or evening sessions.

Fire Safety Training:

Fire Safety Training Course is designed to raise awareness of fire hazards in the workplace and how to act safely in the event of an emergency fire situation, including selecting and using a fire extinguisher. This course is designed to train staff in your fire safety procedures.

First Aid Training:

First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and/or promote recovery. It includes initial intervention in a serious condition prior to professional medical help being available, such as performing CPR while awaiting an ambulance, as well as the complete treatment of minor conditions, such as applying a plaster to a cut. First aid is generally performed by the layperson, with many people trained in providing basic levels of first aid, and others willing to do so from acquired knowledge. Mental health first aid is an extension of the concept of first aid to cover mental health.

There are many situations which may require first aid, and many countries have legislation, regulation, or guidance which specifies a minimum level of first aid provision in certain circumstances. This can include specific training or equipment to be available in the workplace (such as an Automated External Defibrillator), the provision of specialist first aid cover at public gatherings, or mandatory first aid training within schools. First aid, however, does not necessarily require any particular equipment or prior knowledge, and can involve improvisation with materials available at the time, often by untrained persons.
The key aims of first aid can be summarized in three key points, sometimes known as ‘the three P’s’:-
Preserve life: The overriding aim of all medical care which includes first aid, is to save lives and minimize the threat of death.

Prevent further harm:

Prevent further harm also sometimes called prevent the condition from worsening, or danger of further injury, this covers both external factors, such as moving a patient away from any cause of harm, and applying first aid techniques to prevent worsening of the condition, such as applying pressure to stop a bleed becoming dangerous.

Promote recovery:

First aid also involves trying to start the recovery process from the illness or injury, and in some cases might involve completing a treatment, such as in the case of applying a plaster to a small wound.